Sunday, June 30, 2013


Professor Mirando Obeysekara

“Judha” was one of the close relatives of the great king Ravana, who was also a scientist, sent out to “Palastenna” to build a state 7500 years back. It’s stated in the “Ravana pusthaka” that “Judha”’s birth land was situated south of Lakdiva in the “Bheema Mandala-Raajagrama”  
“Judha” was an expert in chemistry, who took many of his relatives and friends to the new state to inhabit land and the new inhabitants faced problems by the “Rough Sea”.  The situation was informed by “Judha”to the Laankeshwara great king Ravana who then came down to ”Palastenna” and performed a “Sun God Ritual” with the prayers and “Mantra” to calm the sea. The “Rough Sea” became the “Dead Sea” since then, states the Ravana Pusthaka.

The meaning of the name “Judha” is “the one who’s born for war” [yuddha in Sinhala] states the Ravana Pusthaka, and the inhabitants were called “Judew” [warriors] because of that. All the Yakka inhabitants in “Palastenna” worshiped the “Sun God” under full courtesy of the great king Ravana, but later worshiped “Judha” after his ritual performance. “According to ancient inscriptions and scrolls, all the advance civilizations worshiped the Sun before Christianity” states Professor Mirando Obeysekara. There lived a great saint called “Moosila” 2500 years back who had walked on the sea waters. The “Hela yakka Moosila” was called “Moogha” by the moors and the Europeans called him “Moosad” who were all decedents of the “Judha” In 7500 BP, the ancient “Siw Hela” built many states around the world and only the best Yakkas were chosen for the task. The discussion on “Palastenna” took place on a green carpet which was the reason to call it “Palastenna” which later became the Palestine. The language used by yakka “Judha” was called “Sabara-Habara” which later evolved into “Hebara”, “Hebbraeu” and “Hebrew” the bible written in Hebrew was later translated to Sinhala by canon Samuel William Dias Bandaranayake who has stated that the “Hebrew is an inheritance of the ancient Hela language” in one of his unpublished letters. 

Due to the protests by the moors in Palestine, the Hela Yakkas went on to build “Israel” and inhabited the new land. “After the Great King Ravana’s unconsciousness, all the Hela Yakkas around the world dispersed to different parts of the world while protecting the secrecy of the Yakka inheritance which has been proven by tests” said Professor Obeysekara. 

Under the leadership of “Judha” the Hela Yakkas had the full courtesy of the great king Ravana. It has stated in the Ravana Pusthaka that the Dead Sea holds miracles such as healing powers due to the rituals performed to the Sun God while walking on the sea by the Great King Ravana. A European scientist called Paul Peterson told that “The blood samples taken from the “Jedew” [Jews] shows great similarities to the “Aadiwasi” [ancient Sinhalese] blood samples” [Science -6’06 – 1970]
All the Yakkas living around the world had a close link to each other and built their own language and literature accordingly, like “Judha” built his own according to the decision taken on the green carpet. “Sabar” was one of the variations of the Hela Language which “Judha” used to develop it to “Sabarew” “Hebbraeu” to Hebrew with different ideals. A hero called the “Israel” who’s mentioned in the bible was one of the decedents of “Judha” Yakka. 

The “Judha” Yakkas were masters of war weaponry. They not only built, but offered guidance in producing nuclear weaponry as well. “Under all circumstances, these Yakkas still managed to maintain the link between countries since prehistoric times” this has been clearly stated by many foreign scholars and writers such as “Ibn Wahab” who came down to Lakdiva in the 9th Century stated that Jews lived in Lakdiva.[Tenuant Ceylon – nn 586-8]. Also “Abhu Saheed” who came down to Lakdiva in 911 had stated that “a large number of Jews lived in Lakdiva”.

Nandana Tennakoon
Mawbima 16.09.2012 [19]